I've been thinking for a while of getting on the 'blog' bandwagon. After all, I don't have much to waste time on, do I? Let's not talk about Face Book, FarmVille and such. A girl has to have some play time, doesn't she?
I used to enjoy putting together a web site, but in recent years I haven't been able to access it to update, so the site, 'Life witht the Lathams' is woefully out of date and I think I'll have it closed down. I also had some geocities websites, but I think Yahoo decided to close all free sites and I wasn't going to pay for one. Yes, I do have Scottish ancestry!
So, here we go. What will be on this blog? Who knows? Comments, Bible study notes, reflections, news, thoughts on whatever is happening, sermons, photos; probably not a lot of deep-and-meaningful.
But this will be me!